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Volunteers Will Receive a Combat Veteran’s Certificate

Volunteers will receive a single standard combat veteran’s certificate

MOSCOW, March 7 – RIA Novosti. Volunteers will receive a certificate of a combat veteran of a single sample, the rules for issuing a document are approved by a decree, according to the website of the Cabinet of Ministers.

“Volunteers will receive a certificate of a combat veteran of a single sample. The rules for issuing this document are approved by a government decree. We are talking about citizens who have joined volunteer formations created by decision of the authorities to assist in the fulfillment of the tasks assigned to the Russian Armed Forces during a special military operation. The certificate will serve as confirmation of the status of combat veterans and the right to benefits that are due by law.

The document will be issued by the military commissariats of the Russian regions at the place where the volunteer is registered for military registration or at the place of residence. Please note that this will require an application. The resolution also provides that if the documents confirming participation in the volunteer formation were lost, the military commissariats will search for them independently.

The Cabinet recalled that the law giving volunteers the status of a combat veteran was adopted in November 2022. At the federal level, a number of benefits are established for them, including property tax and payment of utility bills. In addition, citizens with this status are entitled to a monthly cash payment.

Source: Ria News
