Home » Ruacana Falls Flow Reduces Power Imports
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Ruacana Falls Flow Reduces Power Imports

The Ruacana Hydro Power Station has been operating at full load for the past week, with NamPower supplying more than 95% of Namibia’s electricity demand from the hydroelectric station.

This according to the power utility is due to significant rainfall in the central and upper parts of the Kunene River catchment area in Angola, which started in March and lasted until the beginning of April.

“The status is expected to continue for the remainder of April 2023,” says the power utility.

The increased water flow in the Kunene River has allowed the power station to operate at its full capacity, resulting in a significant increase in electricity production.

This has helped to reduce the country’s reliance on imported electricity.

The Ruacana Hydro Power Station, located in the Kunene region of Namibia, is the country’s largest hydroelectric power plant, with a capacity of 347 megawatts.

The last time the Ruacana Falls were this active was in April last year, indicating the importance of rainfall and water flow in the region.

Source : TheNamibian
