Home » MA Namibia Holds Bilateral Meeting with MKRI
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MA Namibia Holds Bilateral Meeting with MKRI

JAKARTA, HUMAS MKRI – Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia (MKRI) Anwar Usman received a bilateral visit from Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Namibia Peter Shivute on Wednesday (9/8/2023), which took place in Jakarta.

On that occasion, Anwar Usman expressed his gratitude to the Namibia Supreme Court for visiting the Pancasila and Constitutional Court Education Center located in Cisarua, Bogor, West Java. According to Anwar, Pusdik MK was built with the aim of bringing the constitution closer to the people. growing people’s constitutional awareness, as well as instilling the ideology of Pancasila.

“In the future, we will also open the widest possible opportunity for the Supreme Court of Namibia to conduct a more in-depth comparative study of the practice of rule of law and human rights in Indonesia through future collaborations between the two agencies,” said Anwar. Anwar emphasized that if follow-up was needed, the Constitutional Court was ready to conduct a more in-depth discussion

Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Namibia Peter Shivute expressed his gratitude on behalf of himself and the delegation for the MK’s invitation to attend the ICJF and attend the MKRI’s 20th anniversary. “Thanks for the arrangement and service since we came till now,” said Shivute.

In addition, Shivute also conveyed congratulations on the 20th anniversary of the MKRI and was honored to receive an invitation to visit Indonesia. “We were also impressed with WCCJ’s activities in Bali last year, and saw the activities run very successfully. Shivute also expressed his impression of the hospitality he received in Bali last year. The last meeting was also a moment to sign a memorandum of understanding, hopefully it can continue,” he explained.

Shivute added that Namibia and Indonesia had good diplomatic relations. “Now it continues with judicial relations, therefore there was no doubt for us when we first received the MKRI’s invitation to attend this activity,” he explained.

Visit to Pusdik

Previously, on the same day, the Executive Director of the Supreme Court of Namibia Benhardt Kukuri, accompanied by staff of the Supreme Court of Namibia visited the Pancasila and Constitutional Education Center of the Constitutional Court, in Cisarua, Bogor, West Java. Benhardt was received by the Head of the Program and Implementation of Pusdik Pancasila and the MK Nanang Subekti Constitution.

Nanang explained the background to the establishment of Pusdik MK which was based on the agreement of the heads of state institutions at that time who saw the need for an institution whose function was to foster constitutional awareness and culture in society. On that basis, the Constitutional Court took the initiative to take a role by establishing Pusdik MK, bearing in mind that the Constitutional Court as a constitutional judiciary has an interest in fostering a culture of awareness of the constitution.

Next, Nanang explained that Pusdik MK carried out a number of program activities in raising awareness of constitutional rights for citizens. In 2023, Pusdik MK will provide technical guidance for national political parties, local political parties, KPU, Bawaslu, and other community groups, bearing in mind that in 2024 there will be presidential elections, legislative elections, and regional head elections. The teaching method is carried out by interactive methods, learning based on experience,

Pusdik MK also organizes constitutional education and awards for Pancasila and Citizenship Education teachers who excel. Nanang emphasized that this Pusdik was not intended for internal use, but for the community.

Benhardt revealed that his visit to the Pusdik MK was motivated by the reason that the Namibian Supreme Court planned to create a similar unit, but aimed at internal judges and staff. However, he continued, after hearing this presentation he considered this a good concept and would create a similar education and training center for the general public to recognize human rights, constitutional rights and democracy. Benhardt sees the presence of Pusdik MK as the result of good cooperation between the executive, legislative and judiciary.

Benhardt revealed that he really wanted to know about Pancasila, and how this ideology was instilled in society. He said, in the preamble to the constitution of Namibia it was emphasized that Namibia adheres to legal equality, social democracy, and several other principles that prioritize human rights considering that Namibia was colonized by the Dutch, experienced apartheid laws and slavery in the past. 

Source : Mahkamah Konstitusi RI
