Home » Cuban Authorities Accused Russia of Recruiting Cuban Citizens for the War in Ukraine
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Cuban Authorities Accused Russia of Recruiting Cuban Citizens for the War in Ukraine

The Cuban Interior Ministry has uncovered a human trafficking ring operating out of Russia that forced Cuban citizens and those on the island to participate in the fighting in Ukraine. This was reported by the Cuban Foreign Ministry.

The department noted that “attempts of this kind were neutralized, and criminal cases were initiated against persons involved in these activities.”

“Cuba is not participating in the war in Ukraine. It is acting and will act decisively against those who on the territory of the country are involved in any form of human trafficking for the purposes of mercenary or recruitment, so that Cuban citizens can take up arms against any country,” the Foreign Ministry said in a statement Cubes.

The Ryazan Vedomosti newspaper reported that several Cuban citizens signed a contract with the Russian army at the end of May 2023. Some of them, as the publication assures, expressed a desire to become citizens of Russia in the future.

Last fall, Foreign Policy wrote that Russia was recruiting for the war against Ukraine members of the elite commando corps of the Afghan National Army, who remained in the country after the Taliban seized power in 2021.

It was previously reported that the Russian Ministry of Defense is actively recruiting citizens of Central Asian countries to fight in Ukraine, not only those who temporarily work in Russia, but also in the countries themselves. Thus, in June of this year, the prosecutor’s office of the Kostanay region of Kazakhstan announced attempts to recruit local residents to participate in the war in Ukraine.

