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Belarus Once Again Extended Military Exercises With the Russians

Belarus has again extended its joint military exercises with Russia. They take place at Belarusian training grounds.

It is noted that military exercises have been extended at least until October 15. They continue on 8 training grounds.

Training grounds where the Belarusian and Russian armies take place:

  • 227 combined arms training ground “Borisovsky” (Borisovsky district) until 14.10;
  • training ground “Gozhsky” 6th ombre. (Grodno district) until 13.10;
  • training ground “Brest” 38 units. (Brest district) until 14.10;
  • training ground “Osipovichsky” 51 Apr. (Osipovichi district) until 13.10;
  • 212th aviation training ground “Neman” (Novogrudok district) until 13.10;
  • 230 combined arms training ground “Obuz-Lesnovsky” (Baranovichi district) until 15.10;
  • 174 training ground for the Air Force and Air Defense Forces “Domanova” (Ivatsevichi district) until 15.10;
  • training ground “Lepelsky” 19th ombre. (Lepelsky district) until 14:10;

The Belarusian-Russian exercises began after the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by Russian invaders – April 29, 2022. They will last 76 weeks.

Belarus is Russia’s accomplice

Let us remind you that, as the Ukrainian military notes, Belarus is helping Russia in the war against Ukraine. In February 2022, Russian equipment entered Ukraine from Belarusian territory.

The so-called Russian-Belarusian exercises allow Moscow to keep its troops in Belarus. Also on the territory of Belarus were militants from the Wagner PMC.

Commander of the Joint Forces of the Ukrainian Armed Forces Sergei Naev emphasized that the Ukrainian military is monitoring the border with Belarus and is ready to respond quickly in case of a threat.

Source : RBC
