Home » In Egypt, a Policeman Shot at a Bus Carrying Israeli Tourists – Media
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In Egypt, a Policeman Shot at a Bus Carrying Israeli Tourists – Media

A police officer in Egypt opened fire on a bus carrying Israeli tourists. According to preliminary data, there are casualties.

According to media reports, an Egyptian police officer shot at a bus in the port city of Alexandria on Sunday, October 8. There were tourists on the bus – Israeli citizens.

Media reports about victims and victims differ. Two Israelis were reported killed in the attack. Some publications write about three dead: two Israeli citizens and one Egyptian.


The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs confirmed the death of two citizens. In addition to the Israeli tourists, their Egyptian guide was killed.

Hamas attack on Israel

Yesterday, October 7, Hamas militants from the Gaza Strip entered southern Israel. This was preceded by numerous missile attacks on Israeli territory.

At night, both sides exchanged missile strikes, and in the morning the Hezbollah group took responsibility for the attacks carried out from Lebanon. The IDF launched retaliatory strikes.

Both sides report thousands of casualties and hundreds of deaths. A Ukrainian woman could also have died as a result of the fighting in Israel. But there is no official proof of this yet.

I will also inform the media that as a result of Israeli bombing of the Gaza Strip, one of the Hamas leaders, Ayman Younis, was eliminated.

Source : RBC
